

Sunday, February 25, 2018

LWB Prayer Newsletter February 2018

Prayer Newsletter
Israel/Eastern Europe! See below.

Happy New Year!!!

We are so thankful for the Lord's faithfulness this past year and because of this are looking forward to all this coming year has in store. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your prayers! We are so grateful and God is good.

Our Christmas outreach went great, thank you for your prayers! Many people came up after and said they were so touched by the celebration of Christ's birth and the message shared about the forgiveness that God can bring to our hearts. 
We are going back to Israel(yay!) and also to Hungary and Slovakia this March. Hungary and Slovakia are new nations for us and we can't wait to see what God has in store. Please pray for all who are traveling, for protection physically as well as spiritually as Israel can be very intense! We will be reaching out to anyone God places in our paths, specifically young IDF soldiers, Israeli and Muslim mothers, and Hungarian high school students
Our trainee program auditions are approaching in April! We ask for prayer that God would draw dancers to be equipped for unconventional ministry, that advertising would be blessed and many would hear about it and come! 
In Hungary this generation is the first to live without the control of COMMUNIST troops and they are redefining the future of their nation. With that in mind, we have also learned that many struggle with depression/suicide and we know God's heart is burning for them to know HIS LOVE! Please pray for His Spirit to soften hearts and reveal the power and truth of Jesus Christ to them.
Please pray for doors to open to minister here in Syracuse as well. We really feel impassioned for our city and want to share what God has given us but are running into some obstacles in getting the word out and finding performace venues to follow through. Your prayers in this area as well would be much appreciated!
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