

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Syracuse City Jail

Tuesday evening, February 26, LWB Company and Trainees performed at the Syracuse City Jail for their women's department. We were excited to be performing there for our fourth year now! The staff was great helping us load our props in and out easily. It was a wonderful time of ministry with the girls. We performed "Ana's Battle"- a story about overcoming the lies we hear about ourselves from Satan and coming to know the truth that God loves us as His children. Rebecca shared her personal testimony followed by one of our newer pieces of choreography "God With Us" - telling the story of the life of Jesus. We closed our time with the women and staff with one of our favorites "Healing In His Hands". Some were moved emotionally as they followed us in arm motions. Miss Ashley shared the Gospel message and invited anyone who wanted to receive Christ's love to pray with her. We were so happy to be able to hand out Gospels of John to everyone and encourage them to open it up and read it in their rooms. Continuing to pray healing and blessing over their lives. Have an awesome day everyone! ~Rachel

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