

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Oneida Baptist Institute

We had the privilege of performing for the students and some of the staff of Oneida Baptist Institute in Oneida, KY. I (Breanne) worked as a tutor at OBI several years ago, and it was such a pleasure to be able to go there again! We performed "The Crown" during the chapel time. Unfortunately, we didn't have very much time to interact with the students after the performance since they had to leave for classes. The stage was wonderful, and it was so fun to see students from all over the world sitting out in the audience. I pray that the story has a lasting impact on each of them, and that they are drawn closer to the Lord through it! We also did get to spend some time with the students during their lunch break and taught dance for one of the PE classes. I know that all of us really enjoyed the time that we had to connect with them! They are such precious students! I'm excited for all that God has in store for their lives! ~Breanne

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