

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

 Meeting the Needs of Your Ballerina

By Rebekah Zehr, Parent Committee Coordinator 

Do the shoes in these photos look familiar?  Chances are, if you have a ballet dancer or more   under your roof, you probably have seen similar items scattered in your daughter’s bedroom and ballet bag.  The pair on the left is my daughter, Isabelle’s, first pair of ballet shoes.  The second is not a photo of a dog’s chew toy.  Isabelle wore those out until they hardly resembled a ballet shoe.  Apparently ballet slippers get better with age:-)

As the ballet shoes aged, so did the dancer.  She is now an apprentice in Light of the World Ballet.  I cannot take the credit for her getting to where she is today.  I give God the glory, as well as all her wonderful teachers. (Check out the photo below of one of her favorite teachers.). Having said that, I am very aware that parents have a significant role in supporting their ballet dancers in so many ways:  spiritually, physically, socially, and mentally/emotionally.  I asked some of my wise “ballet mom friends” to send me ways that they have helped and encouraged their girls throughout the years.  Below is a compilation of their ideas, plus a few of my own.  (Shout out to Heather, Karla, and Jackie.)  New, as well as seasoned ballet moms, here’s some encouragement and inspiration!

Spiritual Needs:

Pray, pray, pray.  Pray in your quiet time but children also love to hear you pray for them.  Write a little note or scripture verse and tuck it in her bag.  

Pray for all aspects of LWB- the company members, trainees, the outreach performances,  the school, the students, mission trips, finances.  Ultimately, pray for lives being saved by God through the vessel of Light of the World Ballet.

Physical Needs:  

Time:  As your dancer progresses to higher levels, the time commitment increases (3 or 4 days a week).  Be ready to take this on.  Finding parents to carpool may become essential.  Your dancer may reach a point where she will have to pull out of some activities to make time for ballet.  

Rest:  8-9 hours of rest helps your dancer’s body recover and grow.  It will also keep her mentally sharp and focused.    

Nutrition:  Prepare nourishing, whole-food snacks and/or meals for breaks during class as well as performances.  Non-sugar snacks will help sustain her energy levels through long rehearsals.   Plenty of water is essential as well.

Injuries:  Be aware of any sudden or ongoing pains and communicate with your daughter’s teachers about Dr.’s recommendations, etc.  

Ballet clothing/accessories:  Before classes and performances, make sure your daughter has her ballet shoes, leotards, etc.  Routinely check the condition of her pointe shoes and ask her teacher when she needs to get a new pair.

Emotional Needs

After performances, be ready with specific words of encouragement and give areas where you have noticed growth (joyful smile, turn-out is improving, arms are graceful, etc).  Have a tender heart to listen.  Whether your daughter leaves class walking on sunshine or feeling sad, be quick to listen and then be ready with words of encouragement and wisdom. 

Social/family needs

The influence of Light of the World Ballet can permeate into the whole family, not just the dancer.  This is a wonderful benefit to every child in your home.  Because it is a sacrifice/commitment from the whole family, it is good to openly talk about the value of LWB.

Allow opportunities for your daughter to spend time outside the studio with classmates.  Some of my daughter’s closest friendships developed when she got to know the girls that she danced with.  Their genuine care for each other overflowed into the studio and benefited class time as well as performances.

Stay tuned!  Words of wisdom from the dads next month:)

             Left to right:  Isabelle, Miss Breanne, Mia and Sally.  Circa 2016